After 6 brutal months of not building, we are going again!
I felt the need to replace my general contract with a new one. I probably waited to too long to do so, but I did it. I’ve learned the downside of delays. Some of what I have learned by all of this is, that a project cannot be allowed to slow down, if possible. There are so many moving parts that can affect the progress of the project. Insurance runs out, permits run out, people you were to rely on leave or are not available, costs go up, etc.
In my case the first GC did not understand or follow the City’s rules for changes, which caused a big and small delays. He got very confused, he thought I worked for him. Second, if there is time in the design stage, something my BPAS lot did not have, spend time to fix problems on paper not in the field. Make sure the contractor has all the subcontractors needed to complete the work. Don’t allow for a search for a sub after construction starts. Be very thorough in your search for a contractor. In the Keys that has been hard to do as most are very busy.
There were lots of other issues but delving into them is too painful.
Some of the immediate issues from the work stoppage. One, the master bathroom, small as it is, is too small. We are working on moving some walls around to give two adults room to move about. There are changes to the shower, it gets bigger. Two, the toilet area is too close to the counters and vanities.
The problem when working in concrete is, that it takes more work than moving some 2×4’s!
The reason I need to be here most (all of the time) is to watch and comment. I can also make changes before the concrete goes in. I was away one day, while tile was laid in the utility room. There is a floor drain in the center of the room and a note on the contract that “the floor shall drain to the existing floor drain”. When I returned, the beautiful tile floor was billiard table flat! These guys left the floor drain inlet about 1/2″ higher that the tile! I’ll get the guy back to fix it, but with pushback, I’m sure.
I have told the new contractor I want to finish by May 1, 2025. We will see. I want them working inside and outside at the same time. There is plenty to do in all the areas. Drywall very soon, interior wall insulation for sound deadening. Meeting with the City Fire Marshal to locate a spot for the underground propane tank. I also need to get approval for the location of the above ground water cistern, a requirement. We won’t order cabinets and vanities until the drywall goes in so our measurements are as close as we can get them.
One comment
Looking good, glad you’ve started again. Sending all the positive energy possible!